Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bruce Willis lands plane safely!

well, not exactly Bruce Willis, but it was a one wheel landing that felt like it might be a 180 degree spin-out....long story short; we made it.

We are here, having a cold Fosters Lager, and getting ready to dip into a hot tub.. here they call it HOT TUB. Got a flat tire on the way from the airport, in the rain.Cory jumped out in the pouring rain like a crazy country boy, then an Australian Girl joined in to help. Mike and Jim
stayed dry in the truck, insisting that the country folk wait for the rain to stop. It did stop.
Mike and Jim, still nice and dry, then proceeded to help out, and the foursome fixed the flat tire, and we were once again on the road. Now we must get some sleep, the shows start tomorrow.

Peace, Love & Music,
The Judes

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